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Umrah Rules: Everything You Need to Know Before Start on Your Spiritual Journey

Are you planning to start on a spiritual journey to perform Umrah? Knowing the Umrah rules and regulations beforehand is important to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Umrah is a spiritual pilgrimage that holds high importance for Muslims all over the world. Every year millions of Muslim people from different corners of the world visit Makkah and Madinah to perform Umrah. In this article, I will guide you through the essential rules of Umrah and the most important steps you need to know before starting the journey.

Introduction: What is Umrah and why is it important?

Umrah is a really special journey that Muslims go on to visit Makkah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia. It’s not required, many Muslims come from around the world. Umrah is also known as the “minor pilgrimage” in Islam, and you can go any time of the year except during the days of Hajj. Muslims go on Umrah to make Allah happy, to clean their hearts and souls, and to become stronger. It’s a really important journey that’s full of love and faith.

Step by Step Guide to Perform Umrah: A Comprehensive Overview

Performing Umrah is a holy and unique experience that requires proper preparation and guidance. Here is a step-by-step guide to perform Umrah:

Ihram: The Sacred Dress Code

Ihram is the sacred dress code that pilgrims must wear before performing Umrah. For men, Ihram consists of two white towel sets that cover the upper and lower body, and for women, it is a long, loose-fitting abaya dress that covers the entire body. Ihram symbolizes the state of purity and humility that pilgrims must adopt before performing Umrah.

Tawaf: Circling the Kaaba

Tawaf is the first ritual of Umrah, and it involves circling the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction. Pilgrims must begin Tawaf from the Hajar al-Aswad (the Black Stone) and end at the same point.

Sa’i: Walking between Safa and Marwa

After completing Tawaf, pilgrims must walk between Safa and Marwa seven times. Sa’i symbolizes the struggle of Hajar, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), who searched for water for her infant son Ismail.

Halq or Qasr: Shaving or Trimming Hair

After completing Sa’i, pilgrims must shave their head (Halq) or trim their hair (Qasr). This act symbolizes the removal of one’s ego and the submission to Allah.

Important Umrah Rules and Regulations

To ensure a smooth and successful Umrah experience, pilgrims must follow some rules and regulations. Here are some important Umrah rules and regulations:

The Importance of Niyyah (Intention)

Before performing Umrah, pilgrims must make a clear and sincere intention (Niyyah) to seek the pleasure of Allah and to perform Umrah solely for His sake.

Tawaf: The Circumambulation of the Kaaba

During Tawaf, pilgrims must circle the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction while reciting supplications and praises to Allah. Pilgrims must also avoid crossing in front of other pilgrims during Tawaf.

Sa’i: The Walking between Safa and Marwa

During Sa’i, pilgrims must walk between Safa and Marwa seven times while reciting supplications and praises to Allah. Pilgrims must also avoid running or jogging during Sa’i.

Halq or Qasr: Shaving or Trimming Hair

After completing Sa’i, pilgrims must shave their head (Halq) or trim their hair (Qasr) to symbolize their submission to Allah. Pilgrims must also avoid cutting their hair before completing Sa’i.

Tawaf al-Ifadah: An Essential Ritual of Umrah

Tawaf al-Ifadah is an essential ritual of Umrah that must be performed after completing Sa’i. Pilgrims must perform Tawaf al-Ifadah within three days of arriving in Mina, and it involves circling the Kaaba seven times.

Tawaf al-Wida: The Farewell Tawaf

Tawaf al-Wida is the farewell Tawaf that pilgrims perform before leaving Makkah. It is an emotional and heartfelt moment for pilgrims as they bid farewell to the Holy Kaaba and the sacred city of Makkah.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Performing Umrah

Performing Umrah can be overwhelming, and pilgrims may unknowingly make some common mistakes. Here are some common mistakes to avoid while performing Umrah:


Pilgrims must avoid crowding and pushing during the rituals of Umrah, Because it can lead to chaos and discomfort.

Rushing through the Rituals

Pilgrims must take their time and perform the rituals of Umrah with focus and concentration. Rushing through the rituals can lead to errors and incomplete acts.

Ignoring Personal Hygiene

Pilgrims must maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness during their stay in Makkah. They must avoid trash and spitting in the Holy Mosque and surrounding areas.

Tips for a Hassle-Free Umrah Experience

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free Umrah experience, pilgrims must follow some tips and guidelines. Here are some tips for a hassle-free Umrah experience:

Keep Your Documents and Valuables Safe

Pilgrims must keep their passports, tickets, and other important documents and precious in a safe and secure place. They should also avoid carrying large amounts of cash.

Stay Hydrated

Makkah has a hot and dry climate, and pilgrims must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and liquid. They must also avoid expose themselves to direct sunlight for long periods.

Choose the Right Time to Perform Umrah

Performing Umrah at the right time can greatly enhance the spiritual experience and reward. Allah has blessed certain times of the year with special blessings and rewards, and performing Umrah during those times can result in greater blessings and rewards. the best times to perform umrah, Ramadan


Umrah is a sacred and spiritual journey that requires dedication, sincerity, and submission to Allah. Pilgrims must prepare themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually to embark on this journey of a lifetime. By following Umrah rules and regulations, avoiding common mistakes, and adhering to the tips and guidelines, pilgrims can ensure a smooth and hassle-free Umrah experience.

May Allah accept our Umrah and grant us forgiveness, blessings, and peace in this life and the hereafter.


Is Umrah mandatory in Islam?

Umrah is not mandatory in Islam, but it is a highly recommended act of worship.

Can women perform Umrah alone?

Yes, women can perform Umrah alone, but they must follow the guidelines and rules set by the Saudi government.

Is it permissible to perform Umrah during Ramadan?

Yes, it is permissible to perform Umrah during Ramadan, but pilgrims must follow the rules and regulations set by the Saudi government.

Can I perform Umrah multiple times?

Yes, you can perform Umrah multiple times in your lifetime.

What is the best time to perform Umrah?

The best time to perform Umrah is during the months of Ramadan, as the rewards for good deeds are multiplied during this blessed month. However, pilgrims must also consider the weather and their personal circumstances before deciding on the best time to perform Umrah.

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